
Seminars to present the works on a potential Sharri cheese GI file

  • INAO : Mme Stéphanie DUCHET, GI trainer and legal advisor
  • ​KsIIP: Veli Hoti, Director of the Kosovo Institute of Intellectual Property​
  • CIHEAM/IAMM: Mr. François LERIN, Biodiv Balkan programme coordinator
  • Elise CHAU and Jimmy BALOUZAT, agronomist students, field researchers on Sharri cheese

Thursday, 7. December 2017       (READ MORE)

Seminar in Pristina

Seminar in Pristina with ministers of Agriculture and Rural Development and Trade and Industry, ministry of agriculture (animal production, EU integration, rural development unit/managing authority, paying agency), ministry of trade and industry (Kosovo Agency for Intellectual Property), Kosovo chamber of commerce

Friday, 8. December 2017       (READ MORE)


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